CW: usage of anti-LGBTQ+ rhetoric, language and discourse
So a few months ago, I wrote a blog on how right-wing media deliberately employ gay pundits to push anti-trans talking points, and eventually anti-LGBTQ+ discourse as the former is a Trojan horse for the Right's eventual goal, as a way of convincing normies that they are 'moderate' 'centrist' positions, so it brings many more people in - many who would think of themselves as being 'friendly' 'allies' - and they can then slowly move them over towards the eventual end goal of returning LGBTQ+ people back to the closet and out of sight of 'normal' 'natural' society (at the least, with some on the far-Right arguing for much more oppression than that).
The seemingly never-ending anti-trans hysteria pushed deliberately by the Right - crafted in American 'think tanks' - as a distraction to their 'policies' that are deliberately chosen to fuck over the lives and futures of the masses so they can keep topping up their wealth and status unopposed, is when you dig down even below the top soil of noise, incoherent and illogical. But the centuries of the ruling class indoctrinating the masses into disconnecting their brain and become apathetic zombies, means no-one is seemingly able to rationally consider what they're being told is true.
And so we have this, from one of our right-wing 'news' (opinion) channels, GB News, and their 'comedian' newspaper review show, Headliners, from Monday May 22nd. 'Comedian' is in quotes here, because you absolutely won't ever laugh, if you are desperate and unfortunate enough to turn it on. Unfortunately I am nowadays an early riser, so in the 5 am hour (where the repeat showing lives), there is very little to do other than turn the TV on at a low volume level to not be noisy.
But what this segment shows perfectly is how anti-trans rhetoric simply is regurgitating a load of totally illogical brain rot. And anyone who wasn't brain broken by the ruling class's games of deception would notice it. But sadly, we've all had our minds dulled to apathy and indifference towards everything, they've now turned to mush.
Supposed 'lefty' (not that you would notice much difference to the language used by someone from the hard Right) Josh Howie says he'd agree with this teacher, who was banned for allegedly not affirming a trans child and misgendering them, if that was all it was. But that teacher also saying that "being gay is wrong" is somehow beyond the pale. It's much more "problematic" and a "greater concern". (Indeed, after this segment, the guy went on the other right-wing 'news' channel TalkTV with Piers Morgan, and went even further saying that "all sin deserves the death penalty", because he's one of those friendly, kind evangelical Christians, don't you know?)
But back to this segment, and I have to ask why? What is the difference?
This arbitrary and American Right created division of LGBTQ+ people is completely illogical, and I don't think that anyone virtue signalling by saying what Howie did, could actually defend it - especially, eventually coming from their right. And as someone who is actually of the Left, I'm going to show why.
1) This whole anti-trans hysteria uses all the exact same rhetoric from the anti-gay talking points of the past (and under-the-surface today), just repackaged to use the word 'trans' instead of 'gay', because gay people are more accepted, even by 'moderate' conservatives, so the extreme Right will always need a new scapegoat and enemy, so they find the next, smallest, less accepted group to use the same tactics against. And we're all too brain melted, we've forgot they tried exactly all of this a few decades ago against another minority community.
2) There's no biological evidence that has ever been proven of gay people even being a thing. There is only socially constructed history where gay and straight people are divided by 'law' and later sometimes systemically 'affirmed', as 'proof'. That's despite the many decades of often homophobic media-promoted 'scientific' endeavour, to isolate gene or brain differences.
3) Gay people still cannot reproduce only with each other, despite the amount of fucking we're all doing right now, and so there is no evolutionary reason for us existing. If there ever was a 'biological' reason for having gay and straight people, it's nearly certain that us gays would have been filtered out by now because of this.
In fact, as trans people CAN reproduce with each other, or cis people, if the gametes match - they actually have MORE reason to be a 'real' thing than gays do.
So if there's no evolutionary reason for our current existence, gays must be these 'deviants' who 'corrupt the natural order' and in turn the 'minds of children'. So why do gays still exist?
Those are on the hard to far-Right have filled in their answer. It must be because they want to break something. That might be society's 'norms', or perhaps it is to 'predate' and 'groom' YOUR kids into their 'lifestyle', if not even more explicit behaviour against them.
Howie's position in this segment has already been overtaken by the American Right - from where all this concocted hysteria originated - who now openly and explicitly accuse gay people, as well as trans people, of being and doing all the things I've outlined above. Their language and rhetoric harms people, but why does it matter to them? They've found their enemy to use for distraction, to hide them ruining your life and future over every day. And the apathetic normies either sigh or end up supporting it. So we see legislation and dehumanisation right across Republican-dominated states of the USA. And given the British Right have co-opted all of the playbook, it would be extremely foolish to not believe this will be the same here too.
The faux 'centrism' may have an optical benefit for now - so that it can bring in more of the unaffected into the circle so they can be radicalised further down the line - but pretty soon this veneer of LGB 'allyship' will not be permitted if you want to remain having all the influence you gained from taking a part in this grand distraction mission in the first place.
By the way, despite this channel being 'all anti-trans, all the time', the segment doesn't appear on their YouTube page. It DID get posted to their Twitter page, albeit to near no interest. For a 535k follower account to get less than three dozen likes by the morning after is hardly a success. I think that after watching the segment, it won't take you too many guesses to work out why they didn't post this one there (and if it doesn't, re-read the two paragraphs above).

A screenshot from the GB News Twitter, taken on the Tuesday morning, reading "Teacher who 'misgendered' pupil banned from profession. Simon Evans, Nick Dixon and Josh Howie react to The Telegraph's story." Despite the channel's 535k follower numbers, it had accrued the great interest of 19 comments, 11 retweets, 31 likes, and 12.4k 'views'.
Mentioning this article was in The Telegraph (a rabidly anti-trans newspaper, dripped throughout its pages on a daily basis) leads me on to add that this derangement isn't limited to broadcast media. The Right's 'newspaper of record' have been on an incessant 'fairness in - and for - women's sport' tear over the past year.
Recently, they've had two 'exposés' that are so brazenly transparent to how much this is all a diversionary tactic. Firstly, they went back to 2015 to find that a trans woman had the temerity to take part in the women's reserves university boat race. Then, and even more clear cut, they suddenly discovered that a trans woman (who has been in prison for attempted murder since 2017), has a 'record' for fastest-ever time at a ParkRun 'fun run' recorded on the organisation's results website. This one is even more desperate - this 'record' is solely for the run course in Aberystwyth, that enormous town in West Wales, and comes from 2012! (which is not included in the article) So they've gone back over a decade to dig up this 'news'!
If there was this grand threat to women from trans people (they don't even think about - and most of the 'influencers' and their newly enrolled foot-soldiers believe they are equally fake - trans men or non-binary people), as we see portrayed by the chattering class today, there would have been numerous people who would have snitched and revealed all of this 'skullduggery' at the time. The Equality Act that included gender identity as a protected class was in 2010. We see how there are random people desperately falling over each other to gain momentary clout and power.
Nobody cared. Because 'real' women aren't really under threat in any way from trans people being women. It's all a distraction. Back then, they had other groups of people, if they even needed them then, to use as their scapegoats and would tell you they are your real enemy.
Why even are there 'records' for 'fun runs', and why do the anti-trans army care who 'hold' them? Maybe it is automatically included in the timing system ParkRun uses? And given the length of time, maybe this person wasn't even trans at the time, but the system allows for changes in details so it was transferred over?
I don't know, and it doesn't even matter. Because they and their fellow collaborators in this mass panic in the broadcast and print media have already disseminated it and convinced you this is 'the truth'. And you have had your brain dulled to not question that. (later reporting in the Daily Mail - where they found another trans woman who had also dared to do a 'fun run' - suggests she transitioned back in 2000, 12 years before this 'record', thus making it even more obvious what is really going on here)
I think that even 'liberal' 'supporters' not having the framework of how the world really is and is 'meant' 'to work', leads them to falling down into these traps laid out. Many haven't thought about creating a logical, thought-through framework of 'values' for themselves, which leads them to being 'owned' by the reactionaries online, because they get 'caught out', and then after questioning their flimsy position, end up being manipulated into taking in more and more of their 'talking points', because they don't have all or even any of this greater understanding of the machinations of our rulers, and how it then is slipped into every sinue of our existence.
Because moderates believe that these systems are the best for humanity and 'society', and have just been corrupted by conservatives. And they are right - it has been corrupted by them. And deliberately. But that is not a bug of the system - it's a feature. They've just taken advantage of what has been put there for them to take advantage of. Because doing so serves those who have the power and wealth to keep hold of it uncontested - especially at a time it is under threat with the masses rapidly realising their worsening conditions - and when conservatism is also the default human 'ideology'.
And despite what dumbass 'LGB' 'pick me sellouts' will tell you, trans and queer people have always been a part of our collective struggle. Anecdote time, but when I was first coming out back in the 2000s, even then there were 'LGBs' online on our community's message boards who wanted trans people kicked out of 'their' group. This power-grabbing isn't something that has just been created, but its existence (even if it's a small minority) has been utilised by those who want us all gone from public view.
That is why that we need to overthrow these hierarchical systems - replacing them with collective ones, where we build a world based on humanity and for all of us and our future, and not the 1% who control us all. Because these systems promote the most evil, destructive, power-hungry ghouls. Keep these around, no matter who you vote for or how progressive and equal we can become, there will always be someone who wants more clout, to try and have similar status, wealth and influence to those who will still remain above us in the pyramid of power.
And they will always be willing to push anyone down to get it, no matter how 'accepted' they have become. Only two years ago, trans people were an afterthought for everyone, but the most pre-occupied antis. Now, you cannot move without hearing another media pundit coming out with dehumanising rhetoric towards them.
But if the hierarchies are gone, that will no longer be there. There will not be power, wealth or influence to gain. You will still be able to hate LGBTQ+ people existing, but you will have no power or ability to control or use that to punish or oppress us, like I will not be able to you either. But once those hierarchies are gone, I don't believe you will hate us any more.
Because most of the masses who claim they do, and are doing and saying whatever they can to remove trans people and LGBTQ+ people in general, are deep down frightened that expanding recognition to more people, will simply push them even further down the pecking order, and that will hurt their standard of life even more. If we don't, there will never be lasting liberation for minority groups, as the system needs someone at the bottom for the rest of the masses to hate on, to keep this whole charade going.
And that is what even the 'good intentioned' 'centrist' or 'liberal' is doing by acquiescing to the language and rhetoric of the Right, and into reopening 'the debate' on what were completely settled until the Right used us - and your lack of understanding and awareness - for distraction, and you've bought it. You are forcing us down a path where we will always be playing defence for our existence, with a never-ending cycle of short periods of 'acceptance', followed by long periods of oppression, scapegoating and outright state violence. And that doesn't seem like a life to look forward to continue living.
You may not be part of a group with immutable characteristics who is affected now, or even ever, but when the tide reaches its crescendo, you will have to repress both what you believed, felt and enjoyed about LGBTQ+ people existing enough to 'support' us in the short time you did, but also the actions of the state you have accepted being done to those who were 'friends'.